Lead Cooperating Doctor Presents ACEC’s Healthy Communities at WONCA 2013

26 Jun 2013

ACEC lead cooperating doctor, Peter Marko, presented ACEC’s Healthy Communities program results at the World Organization of Family Doctors Conference (WONCA) in Prague, Czech Republic, which was attended by over 6,000 physicians. Dr. Marko highlighted the positive impact of program implementation and the improvement of health conditions in 32 Roma settlements (approximately 31, 000 Roma inhabitants) across Slovakia.


The program targets growth and development for the people of the Roma settlements. ACEC invests in the 42 healthcare assistants and coordinators who work in the field with the 102 general practitioners and pediatricians who volunteer, and the 26 schools in those communities, as well as building collaborative relationships with governing bodies of the participating regions.


Within the structure of Slovak Ministry of Education accredited courses, ACEC lecturers provide specialist training with partnership of healthcare providers and support from emergency service facilities. Among Roma in Healthy Communities program locations, preventive health checkups exceeded 36%, well beyond the national average of below 16%. Further, over 4,736 children and 2,090 adults were vaccinated for Jaundice A and B.


In the fifteen minute Q&A discussion for the forum at WONCA 2013, Dr Marko received three questions after his presentation was received positively. Also attending the meeting was ACEC president L’ubomíra Slušná-Franz.